5.7.5 How to search reports

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Click the link “List View” in the left navigation menu and the following screen will be displayed.


This page provides users to search reports in the system.

Quick search with keywords.

Input the keywords and click the icon IMXUSE~1_img4 to searsh.

Search with conditions in “Search Criteria”.

In the “Search Criteria” sub-form, users can specify the criteria and click the “Search” button to search the reports.

Search with filters.

Users can search the report with filters defined in the field “My Filters”.

For the customized filters, users can specify the criteria and click the “Save As” button to save one filter. The saved filter will be displayed in the field “My Filters”.

Besides, Users can delete the customized filters by clicking the icon IMXUSE~1_img17 on the right of field “My Filters”.

Search the report of the current user.

Click the checkbox “My Records Only” to search the report that current user is involved.