5.7.3 How to merge reports

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IMX system allows users to merge the reports that are deemed as the same one.

Please follow the steps below to merge the reports.

1.Choose one report with status “New” or “Accepted” in “List View” page.

2.Click the “Merge” button in “Classification” sub-form.

As the following screen shows,


The reports with the same flight number, event date,aircraft type,aircraft registration and location will be listed in the left suggested list.

3.Choose the reports in the “Suggesteted List” and click “” icon to move it to the sub-form “Report to Be Merged”.

Users can also click “” icon to remove the reports that has been merged.

4.Click the icon IMXUSE~1_img14 to merge the reports without the same flight number, event date, aircraft type, aircraft registration and location.

The reports chosen will also be displayed in sub-form “Report to Be Merged”.

5.Click “OK” button to merge the report in sub-form “Report to Be Merged”.