5.9.2 How to analysis findings |
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Click the link “Action Analysis” in the left navigation menu and the following screen will be displayed. This page provides users to easily create charts and diagrams for visual representation of finding data with keywords or search criteria provided. Users can do the following operations in this page. •Choose the search criteria •Choose the appropriate chart in ‘Analysis Type’ ➢Days to Closure For the finding, it means the date scope from the finding when one finding is created to the date when it’s closed. ➢Mean days to closure The means days of the findings searched. It equals the value of total days to closure divide the number of searched findings. ➢Number of … Per … Units This is used to analysis records in units. Users need to enter the total number of units first. •Configure the options for the analysis type •Click the ‘Search’ button or to search the results. •Save the current charts or diagrams as filters. •Export diagram areas in PDF document by clicking icon. . •Export current audit statistics result in Excel document by clicking icon . |