5.6.3 How to search findings

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Click the link “List View” in the left navigation menu and the following screen will be displayed.


As the screen above shows, users can

Enter the keyword and click the icon IMXUSE~1_img4 to search the audits.

Choose one filter in the filed “My Filters” to view the results. If the filter is defined by users, then it can be deleted if the current user is privileged.

Click “My Records Only” to view the actions involved.

Users can also search records by entering the search criteria. The search criteria sub-form is collapsed by default.


The filters that saved by clicking “Save As” button will be displayed in the filed “My Filters”.

If the finding is overdue, the icon IMXUSE~1_img5 will be displayed.

If one finding action is overdue, the icon IMXUSE~1_img99 will   be displayed.

Click the icon IMXUSE~1_img121 to export the current results into PDF document and the icon IMXUSE~1_img142 to excel document.